April 11, 2013

Navy and Gold.

As I showed you through the progression of my bedroom, I like change. The most recent change has been slowly transistioning the color scheme of my bedroom from coral as seen here....
to navy and gold as seen here....
As you can tell, the things that get changed the most are my uber-adaptable headboard ($20 frame from the Habitat Re-Store and lamps I picked up at yard sale for $10.) I can easily change those with some new fabric and can of spray paint! So easy....and I always love the fresh new look.
The next on the navy and gold conversion list were this pair of frames that I turned into a earring and necklace holder. They've been coral and aqua for a while now (I loved how the aqua complimented my dresser in the background!) Oh boy...does that mean that dresser is next?? Hmmm...maybe.
This one color shift took me less than hour (I did it on my lunch break.) I started by removing the jewelry (obvs!), the foam board and screen and then took the frames outside to spray them navy. I battled a little bit of wind and ended up with a bunch of navy paint on my fingers and completely ruined my cute nails (I should have known better...oh well!) Lesson learned...I'll wear gloves next time.  
I then recovered the cork board with new fabric I picked up at Hobby Lobby.
The next step was putting everything back together! Someone had asked me once what the back of the earring frame looks like...so here's a look at that. I just taped the screen to the original matting that came with the frame - which I painted metallic gold in this latest update. It's not pretty, but it works!
So once everything was all dry and put back together, I had a whole new jewelry corner!
It was such an easy transformation and I just love how it finally goes with the rest of my bedroom!
Here's a shot that gives you a better of idea of where that little wall is located. It's right next to my closet - my only closet I might add!
Small space living has it's perks, but lack of storage is not one of them :-)
I'll have more closets someday, but until that day comes, I'll be grateful that I'm blessed with one at all.
Until next time...

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